The Dog’s Life Is Not For Me!

My dog, Lady, who thinks she is human.

Do you live the dog’s life? Dogs are the most loyal of all creatures. They worship their owners, blindly follow them around, put themselves in great risk to protect their owner even to their own harm. They love, follow, and adore you even if you forget to spend time with it, talk to it, or give it any exercise. They are always just waiting for their next meal and they live to follow you around the house. The biggest frustration they have in life is that they are always on the wrong side of the door. Makes me think of all the empty-headed Obama followers waiting for the next hand out, not realizing that their man really does not care about them. They know nothing about the important issues and what position to take except what the liberal media tells them to think. They do not realize that all these social giveaway programs only trap them into further dependence instead of personal liberty.

We can learn lessons even from our pets. I’ve had my dog for about 8 years now. When she was new to me as a puppy I used to spend more time with her than I do now. Sometimes I am so busy I hardly notice her except when I’m eating and want to throw a few scraps at her. She usually gets the left overs of the things I either chose to not eat or just don’t have room for, sometimes that is pre-chewed food but she don’t mind. When I am eating she’s always there. In fact she is almost always where ever I am whether that’s at my desk on the computer or sitting in the living room with my laptop. She’ll be quietly napping somewhere near me. If I should jump up from the chair suddenly she also jumps up to go where ever she thinks I am headed. If I move towards the door she is easer to go outside with me. She cannot stand to be in the house when I am outside or vise versa. There are probably days when I may not even speak a word to her or even throw her any scraps but that does not dampen her loyalty to me. Sometimes I am annoyed by her shadowing me around all the time. She’s so close to me always that I often trip over her. She races me upstairs once she’s figured out that is where I am headed. I get mad at her and yell at her but that never seems to dampen her attentions to me. Every day I am her focus. I guess I should appreciate her devotion towards me.

I wonder if Obama or other liberal talking puppets care as much about the populace as they pretend to? I highly doubt it because the current trends of this administration seem to paint successful business owners as somehow evil because they are making money. If they really wanted to promote real job growth they would not put so many tax burdens  and bureaucratic red tape on companies and businesses that offer employment. Instead the liberals like to paint themselves as compassionate for offering free handouts to help the so-called “helpless.” Often times true growth comes out of struggle. Why should we make it so easy for a person to collect a paycheck, free food, and medical services when they have not worked for it. The policies of our government to give handouts to the so-called “poor” does not help and empower the individual. It only creates a mere existence such as my lazy dog waiting for the next handout. All we are breeding in this country is a generation of lazy people seeking something for nothing while breaking the backs of the good hard-working entrepreneurs of this country.

I for one am tired of this trend to strip the backbone of the income earners out of their well deserved living to give away to the ungrateful crowd of dogs that don’t even know what side of the door they want to be on. They are about as useful as my dog who is satisfied with scraps, and handouts.

Now if your reading this your probably patting yourself on the back by now thinking I’m not living the dog’s life. I work for a living, have a good job, provide for my family. Oh, sure your not the scoundrel mutts that comb the neighborhood digging in other people’s garbage but there are other breeds of dogs. Some are more refined, the purebreds that live in the house that even think that they are human. My dog, Lady acts like she thinks she is privileged. She knows her place is in the comfort of my house whereas the guard dog’s place is outside.

DSC00366Sometimes I appreciate more the outside dog because he offers me protection with his barking and fierce approach to strangers that wander into my yard. He provides a useful service to me. I am proud that he frightens even grown men from getting out of their vehicles.  Lady sometimes think she has a right to get up on my bed or on the leather sofas so I have to remind her where her place is. Her place is on the floor. I did buy her a nice cushioned doggie bed to encourage her to stay off my fine furniture. It does not matter how human she thinks she is, she is still a dog.  May I submit to you that most Americans have bought a bill of goods thinking we are ok. We are living the right way because we have a good job, a comfortable living which includes a large mortgage, auto loans, some credit debt and a long list of other bills which we pay on regularly basis each month. We rarely miss a payment. We’re the tax payers, the backbone of society, the responsible ones not the rift raft that sponges off society. But is that really good enough? Are you living from pay check to paycheck, month to month with very little savings set aside to offset the rising costs of inflation and unexpected expenses? Is your ultimate vacation just a dream that you hope for but can never do? Well, if that describes you than your only two steps above the lowly dogs life. Your among the purebreds that only think they are human.  The whole banking system encompassing the credit scoring system, how loans and credit debt are handled are what keeps you trapped into the dog’s life. Any debt is slavery including a home mortgage. The debtor is a servant to the lender. You work to pay others. Wouldn’t it be nice to work just to pay yourself? I have decided that the dog’s life is not for me.

I am learning how to take my little successful business and make it an even bigger success using the power of the internet. I am determined to remove myself and my family out of the status quo. I no longer accept business as usual and have no confidence in politicians to make things any better.

We are in a better position today because we own our home. No more mortgage! We had to make some sacrifices to get there but it was worth it. Through my creative talents and with the help of the internet I have my own thriving personal business which affords me the extras life offers.

The politicians usually get caught up in the game of “Let’s Make a Deal.” We cannot sit around waiting for them to make things better. We need to take matters into our own hands and make our own success. And if the politicians will get out of our way with all their cumbersome regulations we can be a success. I choose to live like a winner. ~ Debra Carmona

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About Live Like a Winner

I am a successful small business owner, Etsy Shop Vendor, DIY YouTuber and an Art Teacher of Award Winning art students, also the wife of a retired USAF Veteran. I Homeschooled my six children for 19 years. Four of my sons joined the military. My husband and I are now empty nesters so I am focused on building my own business with the help of the internet. I believe in living life to the fullest and working for the gold. Why settle for less? Life is just too short.
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